The winner takes it all

The winner takes it all

  ett jävla liv man har.
och vad fan betyder förädlingsindustri? det fattar inte jag, och det förstör en hel del för jag måste svara på den fråga i mitt arbete. Suuuucccckkksss allting som hör skolan till!

The dread - Takida

Come on over let me show you what it really means.
To be frustrated sexually, to be in need.
To be in state of dissolution, level down.

Let that sensual desire take that upper hand.
It stays in this room.

Lost in the dark. Forbidden. Touch me again

That's when love causes the dread. Was it worth it?
Anxiety grows.
You end up hurting all of your friends.
People get by every day with the shame.

There's no promises. Just a memory before you leave
The soft endearment. I hear you breathe
Our lips are meeting in good fusion. Higher drive.


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